How do I share my experiments with colleagues?

Sharing experiments/reports with colleagues

You can easily share your survey results/reports with colleagues via our online platform. To enable sharing:

  • Select My experiments from the left-hand panel.
  • Locate the experiment you wish to share under your list of experiments. Select the drop-down menu and then Share with colleagues.
  • Enter the email address you wish to share the experiment with and select your permissions from the drop-down menu;
    • View only - colleagues can view your survey design/report but cannot edit.
    • Owner - colleagues can view and edit your survey design/report.
    • Report only - colleagues can view your survey report but are not granted access to your experimental design (recommended for your internal or external clients).

      Sharing your survey report via My Experiments

Sharing via the report page

  • Click the Share with colleagues button in the bottom left-hand corner.
  • Enter the email address you wish to share the experiment with and select your permissions from the drop-down menu.
Sharing your survey report via View Report

Only collaborators with an active Conjointly licence can access reports of the types of experiments that require a licence.

Sharing via the experiment settings page

  • Click the Other actions button at the bottom-left of the screen and select Share with colleagues.
  • Enter the email address you wish to share the experiment with and select your permissions from the drop-down menu.
Sharing your survey report via Experiment Settings

Categorising experiments using tags

You can categorise projects into separate tags to collaborate on relevant projects/experiments with your colleagues.

To create a new tag:

  • Under your experiments page, select the Create button.
  • Select Tag at the top of the list, enter the name for your tag, and save.
  • Hover over your new tag, then select the Share with colleagues button.
  • Enter the email address of the colleague you wish to share the tag with.

Creating a folder for sharing

You can then assign your experiments to different tags, by dragging the tag towards the experiment you would like to tag, or hold and drag the experiment toward the tag.

Assigning an experiment a tag