How do I import questions from the library or my other experiments?

Conjointly offers a wide range of pre-coded questions that are commonly used in market research.

In order to find our question library, go to: Additional Questions or Add Questions tab → Add Question button → Import from library tab in the pop-up window.

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Import questions 1

You can then search for keywords for questions that are related to your survey and choose to select individual questions or any particular block of questions that covers a particular topic, e.g. sustainability, income level, beverage, transport, etc and click Import. The questions will appear automatically in your survey script.

Import questions 2

Importing questions from other experiments

You can also import the questions from your other experiments if there are similar questions that have already been coded before. To do this, select Import from elsewhere and search for keywords, this would search for the questions in all projects that you have access to.

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