Segregation based on simulation

The Segregate function creates a variable based on people who would buy certain concepts within each scenario. This allows you to then segment your report to view the preferences of respondents who are willing to buy certain products. To use the Segregate function:

  • Open the Simulations tab in your survey report.

  • Select the Show advanced settings button at the bottom of your screen then click the Segregate button. A message will appear in the left panel once segmentation is complete.

  • Open the Segmentation tab and click the Add a new condition button.

  • Click the Segregation based on simulation option.

  • Select your desired Variable, Type of match, and Value from the respective drop-down menus before clicking the Save and apply these segments button in the bottom right corner. A message will appear in the left panel once segregation is complete.

  • Open the Compare segments tab to view respondents’ profile and preferences from your new segment.

Creating a segment to view preferences of respondents who are willing to buy certain products