Top Simulator Usability Tips

The Conjointly simulator is the most user-friendly tool for conjoint simulations. This page showcases some of its hidden gems for usability.

Line charts vs. bar charts

When you are simulating price sensitivity of your product against competitor offerings (by varying only your product price, keeping everything else constant), you will get a line chart. This is because when you set up your experiment, price attribute is treated as a numerical value in order for us to simulate the prices in between the price values tested.

In the example below, we are varying price of My company ($30 per month, $50 per month, $70 per month). All other attributes/levels are kept constant.

Example of default simulator output 1

When you are running feature selection simulations or NPD simulations (by varying non-price features or attributes), you will get a stacked columns chart. This is because non-price attributes are treated as a text variable (there’s no “in-between” value for features), so simulations will be presented as stacked columns chart instead.

In the example below, we are varying transmission type of Ladina Klubnika. All other attributes/levels are kept constant.

Example of default simulator output 2

Drag and drop products and scenarios

The Conjointly simulator supports drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to easily move or copy concepts across scenarios within one worksheet, as well as move and copy scenarios between different worksheets.

Moving or copying concepts across scenarios

Beside each product in a simulated scenario there is a button. Select and drag the button to reorder the product within the scenario or drag the concept into the desired scenarios to duplicate the same concept in different scenarios.

Drag and drop concepts within and across scenarios in simulator

Moving or copying scenarios across worksheets

Similarly, hold and drag the besides scenarios to move them within the worksheet or duplicate the scenario in another worksheet by dragging it to the targeted worksheet.

Drag and drop scenarios within and across worksheets in simulator

Volume, revenue, and profitability display options

Display revenue and market share totals

Select Show as totalsunder the display settings drop-down menu to display the total for each scenario. Selecting Show as share of total will transform projected revenue share into a calculation for market share.

Displaying revenue projections on simulator chart

Show competitor prices

For a more comprehensive interpretation of price elasticity charts, you are able to Show competitor prices. Enabling this option will display competitor prices on the price elasticity curve.

Displaying competitor prices on simulator chart

Show numbers on charts

You can also toggle between showing or hiding graph numbers for clearer visual representation if required.

Displaying numbers on simulator chart

Average performance across levels

The simulator allows for simulating product scenarios using the average value across multiple levels. This function can help you compare products while controlling for a particular attribute. For example, you can look at how claims affect your product’s performance independently from price.

To set up average performance across levels:

  1. Check the “Show advanced settings” box
  2. Click on an attribute dropbox and select the levels you want to include for that product
  3. Click on Click to recalculate
Setting up average levels on the simulator

History in the simulator

The History function records all the past versions of a simulation each time they are saved, as well as the time, date, and ID of the person who saved the simulation.

Using the history function

This allows you to view and save past simulations without creating them all over again. To use the History function:

  • Click on the History button on the bottom left of the simulator.
  • Select the version of the saved older simulations that you want to open.
  • You may choose to (i) open the old version or (ii) load individual worksheets from the old version into the latest version.
Selecting a previous save point to load
Adding worksheets from previous simulations

Remember to save your current work before loading any old version.

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