Date and time formulas

There is no data or time data type on Conjointly. The function toDateTime lets you convert a date and time presented in a ISO 8601 formatted string into a number. If the conversion is impossible, it returns the undefined value.

Usage: toDateTime({text}), where text is a string in the ISO 8601 format.

Examples are provided below.

toDateTime("2022-05") > toDateTime("2022-04")TRUE (boolean)
toDateTime("2022-05-03") < toDateTime("2022-05-02")FALSE (boolean)
toDateTime("2022-05-03T12:00:00")1651543200000 (number)
toDateTime("2022-05-03T12:00:00") + 11651543200001 (number)
toDateTime("2022-05-03T12:00:00") + 1/241651543200000.0417 (number)
toDateTime("2023-12-01 10:45:49")1701391549000 (number)
toDateTime(" 2023-12-01 10:45:49")undefined
toDateTime("2023-13-01 10:45:49")undefined