Set of swipe cards

Swipe card questions ask respondents whether they like or dislike the item shown on the swipe card. Respondents swipe left to indicate they dislike the item and swipe right to indicate they like it. It is useful to obtain a “Yes” or “No” response for a statement or stimulus.

The following sections focuses on showing respondents a set of swipe cards. An alternative form is to show respondents a single swipe card.

Respondent view

Respondent view of set of swipe cards question

Set of swipe cards question outputs

Set of swipe cards questions produce the following outputs:

  • The distribution of respondent preferences including percentage of likes, rank, and median response time for each card.
  • A table of correlation for the like percentage between each card.
  • The number of participants who saw the question.
Set of swipe cards question outputs

Setting up a set of swipe cards question

Follow these steps to set up a set of swipe cards question:

1. Add question

Navigate to the Add questions tab and click on the Add question button at the bottom of the page.

On the Add or import questions pop-out, select the Add a new question tab and click on the Set of swipe cards question card to add it to the experiment.

Adding the set of swipe cards question

2. Edit question options

Once you add the question, you can adjust the following settings:

  1. Insert the question text in the text box. You can also include formatting and images.
  2. Edit cards by editing the text boxes. To add formatting or images to each card, click on the settings for that row. Then check the “Add fancy formatting and pictures to card” checkbox. You can then add formatting or images to the card.
  3. Add extra cards to the set by clicking on Add card.
  4. The order of cards can be set to be fixed, random, or flip (top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top).
  5. You may also specify the maximum numbers of cards show to each respondent. By default, all cards are show.
Set of swipe cards question setup